Transform your

Learn how you can become the limitless version of yourself. Discover the Better YOU, with an additional source of INCOME.

-Sumeet Malhotra

My Mission IS

to help individuals lead a healthy, wealthy, and wise life, truest to its meaning. I stand out being experienced in every area of Human Development: Physical, Nutritional, Mental, Spiritual, and Financial with a decade of experience in helping people and a proven track record of SUCCESS!

Hi, I Am Sumeet Malhotra

Being a Harvard Certified Nutritionist, I have changed not just my own, but lives of thousands of people while being the healthiest version of themselves. Over the last decade, I have helped thousands of individuals gain an understanding of the perks of being a wellness coach. I am deidcated to help passionate people find a new source of making extra money without jeopardising their current jobs. Speak with me today to find a secondary, yet stable source of income that you would end up making your ONLY source of income

Hi, I Am Sumeet Malhotra

Health & Wellness Trainings

Building Wealth with Health Program

Wellness Master Coach Program

Building Perfect Diet & Nutrition Plan

Popular Fitness Courses

Yoga & Meditation

Stretch your body to the limits and learn to calm your mind with my yoga and meditation classes


Build your strength and muscle mass with advanced bodybuilding and crossfit classes.

Cardio Training

Stay healthy and fit every day with regular cardio training sessions. Perfect for beginners.

Zumba Fitness

Reenergize yourself with high paced zumba fitness dance workout classes. Incididunt ut labore et dolore.

A glimpse into my life

Lives transformed
Industry Awards
Years of Experience
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Happy Clients
Testimonials ❤️

Our clients say

Carry on


Keep dragging your old self, shifting your fitness plans to tomorrow that never comes.




Jump out of your comfort zone, do some hard work, and be proud of those extra inches you lost.